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Notes on Grief

A Curation Of Thoughts And Experiences On Grief


I was inspired to send a heartfelt note on my experience with grief to my Newsletter Community. Yes, you heard me, I have a small village that you are just getting to know about, we go way deeper and closer there. You better join HERE before you start to get jealous.

I bet you it’s an entirely different space over there and I’ve shared a few stuff you can catch up with.


3rd April 2014 marked nine years since I had my first taste of grief…



I was about to set the pot of water for eba on the cam gas outside my room that served as the cooking space for my neighbours and me in Uni. when my Nokia 1280 phone rang impatiently to announce that my sister was no longer breathing…..
What is real is that everybody will have a taste of grief and death. We would lose our loved ones and eventually leave this world too. (Was that harsh?)
The darkness will pass; sooner or later, we will live again. We will continue life even though we vow not to ever forget. (I tattooed my wrist with the date)…
It’s been quite an excruciating journey, and I can relate to other people’s feelings so well. God is the enigma behind these happenings, and in Him alone is our ease.
…… it is a natural phenomenon given the name “grief.”

I did all the talks THERE, but here are even more thoughts and expressions I have put out at different times and occasions. I hope this helps anyone; you are not alone. ❤





Sa’eedah ❤


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