Bad Since 97 is a 7-tracker body of work that leaves us the same marvelling way we’ve always felt about the soulful singer…
Bnxn’s wave in the industry, which is far beyond that of the moment as the case could be for young singers like him has come to a point of blooming. What this authoritatively goes to say is that, he has no business with the slightest imagination of slipping off the scene. He has practically evolved from a promising ripple on the surface into a stream full of potentials flowing with unbeatable waves.
Having manifested his essence through a seamless manner of groundbreaking success in his pursuits, Bnxn moves to make a mark on his new project, ‘Bad Since 97.’ A 7-tracker body of work that leaves us the same marvelling way we’ve always felt about the soulful singer wouldn’t be bad, but a reason to percieve Bnxn entirely different from the former way must be magic yet untapped.
There weren’t so much clues given on the first single off the EP featuring Wande Coal, Kenkele; one would only prepare for newness and never thought of a whole mindblowing experience by the effect of the project. Bnxn admits to a mode of stern rework on the EP, yet did not warn of the feeling it would come with, perhabs he did not foresee either but we bet not!
Umpeenth collaboration Wizkid but on his personal work coupled with Olamide’s grand appearance pronounced Bnxn’s efforts in the true way of diligence. Bad Since 97 may not be regarded as an outcome of experimenting but a measure of displaying power retention for as long as anybody is willing to stake.
The 5 other solo tracks Bnxn perfomed on the EP are a solid yardstick for how music should rather be done by musicians of his generation and the ones to follow. His tide is quite high and mellow at the same time depending on the strenth of your own paddle as a listener. Watch out for the last track, ‘Loose Emotions’…